- Non-GMO dog food is gently cooked using natural ingredients.
- Grain-free, high-protein recipe made with real chicken, beef, salmon and egg.
- Real, farm-raised turkey is the number one ingredient in these fresh dog treats.
- Contains no grains.
Freshpet Vital Chicken, Beef, Salmon & Egg Recipe Grain-Free Fresh Dog Food, 1.75-lb bag, case of 4 — Bring a fresh approach to your furry friend’s nutrition with Freshpet Vital Chicken, Beef, Salmon & Egg Recipe Grain-Free Fresh Dog Food! Even the pickiest pets love fresh meats and veggies. This grain-free recipe features nutrient-rich proteins, fruits and veggies, including 100% natural fresh chicken, beef, salmon, egg and antioxidant-rich spinach and cranberries. These wholesome ingredients are gently cooked, unlocking their nutritional benefits to help your canine companion thrive. Our Fresh and Prepared Meals include products that are gently cooked and minimally processed. These meals are sure to excite and fulfill your furry friend’s cravings.
Freshpet Dognation Turkey Bacon Grain-Free Fresh Dog Treats, 3-oz bag, case of 6 — Bring a fresh approach to treat time with Freshpet Dognation Turkey Bacon Grain-Free Dog Treats! This all-natural, wag-worthy recipe features nutrient-rich turkey as the very first ingredient and each treat is smoked to paw-fection, making them hard for almost any pup to resist! The wholesome ingredients in these goodies are gently cooked, unlocking their nutritional benefits to help your canine companion thrive. Reward your best bud with the nutrition he deserves! Our Fresh and Prepared Meals include products that are gently cooked and minimally processed. These meals are sure to excite and fulfill your furry friend’s cravings.
Item Number | 693190 |
Packaging Type | Pouch |
Shop Conscious | Non-GMO |
Food Texture | Shredded |
Lifestage | Adult |
Breed Size | Small Breeds, Medium Breeds, Large Breeds |
Food Form | Frozen, Treats |
Special Diet | Premium, Grain-Free, No Corn No Wheat No Soy, High-Protein, Sensitive Digestion, Non-GMO |
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